Births in Mexico

Births in Mexico are very different from births in the United States.  In Mexico women will have their baby’s at home with family or a midwife.  If the baby is born in the hospital the mother delivers the baby alone and the doctors still give the mothers an episiotomy.  When the baby is born the baby and the mother do not get any bonding time because they take the baby away immediately.  Births in Mexico seem to be not a personal and do not focus on the immediate bonding of the mother and the baby.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Cindy Rube
    Sep 09, 2012 @ 05:19:36

    Hi Deanna,

    Thank you for your research about the birthing experience in Mexico. It is a sad thought that if a baby is born in a hospital that they don’t have the proper support needed. Not receiving that bonding time with your baby may have possible future complications. With this type of hospital experience, I can see why many select to have their babies at home; hopefully, with a midwife. We are truly blessed in the United State to have physicians and medical facilities available as an option. I look forward to working with you. Cindy


  2. lovinlifeinprek
    Sep 09, 2012 @ 18:05:52

    It is kind of sad to hear that birth in Mexico isn’t personal. I think that a birth and the moment immediately following should be an intimate time for a mother. it is hard for that to happen when the baby is whisked away right after birth. Thank you for sharing your story about your daughter as well. I wish I had a story to share but I’m not at that point in my left yet. Hopefully in the next 2-3 years. 🙂


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