Final Blog Assignment

When I finally made contact with Barbara from Holland. I was suprised to find the issues that are in Holland are the same issue that we have here in the United States.

The issues are:

Wages         Staffing        Education

One goal for the field related to international awareness is poverty throughout the world.


Getting to know your international contact-Part 3

  • I finally made contact with Barbara in Holland.  She had given her mom the wrong email address.  I asked her the following questions.


  • What issues regarding quality and early childhood professionals are being discussed where you live and work?

The quality of teachers has gone down.  A early childhood professional in Holland makes 1800 Euro which happens to be           2400.

  • What opportunities and/or requirements for professional development exist?

The teachers are required to get a MBO which is a certificiate from a vocational school which is like a trade school here.

  • What are some of your professional goals?

Her professional goals is to become a director at a center.

  • What are some of your professional hopes, dreams, and challenges?

Staffing is a challenge.  Her hope is to continue her education.  Her dream is to always maintain a quality classroom.

Sharing Web Resources

My web site; Early Education The British Asscociation for Early Childhood Education aims at helping children.  They do this by sellling books, conferences, they also have artilces available to read.

Latest resources:

Development Matters

Early Education has launched Development Matters, free downloadable non-statutory guidance to support practitioners in implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012.   The article is about to support the early learning of young children.  This can be done by utilizing the information avalialbe on this web site.  Daily observation, assessment and planning are just some of the resources available.

You find this article at


Latest news

Revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Profile details published

The EYFS Profile Handbook has been developed to assist teachers make correct judgements about childrens.  It explains how to complete a profile, how and why an assesment should be done, how to record childrens attainment.

You can find this article at

Latest courses

Baby talk: communication and language development

This is a course that is offered through the web site.  Periodically the site will post courses that teachers can attend.  This course is about exploring early roots of development.  The course will also explore the role of the environment and sensitive interaction with skilled adults in building upon innate drives toward communication and language.  It will also focus on promoting communication of the youngest children.

You can find information about this course at

International contact part 2

I have made numerous attempts to make contact with Barbara in Holland and she has not emailed me back.  Barbara has been sick with the flu.  So I am waiting to hear back from her.  I forgot that my cousin is teaching in Japan so I am going to make contact with her this week.  I still have hope.

I am two! Working effectively with two-year old’s and their families by Dr Kay Mathieson.  Is an article that parents in Great Britain can purchase.  Articles on two-year old’s; I think it’s a great idea to have articles on two’s.  Two year old’s can be difficult.  Any help parents can get is a good idea.