Diversity and Culture

The first person I asked was Grace.  Grace lives in Mesa, Arizona.  Grace is a married African-American mother of two children.  Her definition of culture was “the way of doing things.  Our customs, beliefs”.  Graces definition of diversity “id how we are different.  What sets us apart, unique, and different”

The second person I asked is Amanda.  Amanda livens in Gilbert, Arizona.  Amanda is a stay at home mother  with one child.  Her definition of culture is “embracing and exploring diversity among everyone, race religion, beliefs.  I think culture is who we are; traditions”.  Her definition of diversity is “difference between people regardless, differences we all have .  Share and teach others how much we can learn from somebody”.

The third person I asked was Tagreed.  Tagreed is from Jordan but lives in Higley Arizona .  Tagreed was married at sixteen.  Her marriage was arranged.  When I asked the definition of culture, her response was “old habit from long time ago.  When I asked her the definition of diversity her response was “the holidays what we do.  Our wedding culture, how we dress.  Our daughters live at home until they are married”.

Some of the aspects that were included in the answers were religion, dress, and traditions.  Some other examples were the way we do things.  Grace answered me in textbook style.  Amanda’s answers were more of her thought process being spoken aloud.  When Tagreed answered the questions I sensed she was a little confused on the definitions.

I really don’t believe that anyone of these ladies omitted and aspects of the definitions of culture and diversity,

No one can influence my own opinion and definition of diversity and culture.  Their viewpoints have not changed my view on diversity and culture.  It has made me appreciate and respect their views.


My Family Culture

Three valuable items

                       The first item would be my grandmother’s engagement ring.

                      The second item would be the teapot from my other grandmother.

        The third item would be my mother’s high school ring.

What they mean to me.

     My grandmother’s engagement ring was given to me by my grandmother because I am her oldest granddaughter.  She gave it to me on her 95th birthday.  My grandfather gave this ring to my grandmother when they got engaged.  This is my mom’s parents.

The teapot is part of a teas set that my father’s parents picked out when they were living in Italy during the reconstruction after WWII.  While my grandparents were deciding on the tea set my father who was three at the time wondered off with some Italian boys.  My dad says he was so annoying that the boys brought him back to my grandparents.  My grandfather died when my father was twelve.  My grandmother kept the tea set and gave it to me on my 25th birthday.  She has since passed away.

My mother gave me her high school class ring when I graduated from high school.

My feelings

      If I was told that I could only keep one personal item I would be upset and heart broken.  These three items represent my families past.  Having to decide would be difficult because I feel like they are making me choose between my family and I couldn’t do that.


     Family is the key to who we are.  These three items represent who my family is and was.  I never really thought about the diversity or cultural differences.  To others these items are just stuff.  But to me these represent my family members.