Adjourning Phase

The groups that were the hardest to say good-bye to were the ones that we all got along.  My center in California was difficult to leave because we were a great team.  The only reason why teachers have left that center is that they move away from the area.

I believe that high performing groups are harder to leave because everyone worked so well together.  The groups that are not high performing are the easiest to say good-bye to because I personally do not want to deal with the group anymore.

When it is time to say good-bye to all of my colleagues, I will post my gratitude for all of their feedback and support given to me throughout this course.  Adjourning is closure for a group of people who been brought together.  The group needs to find a way to say their goodbyes.

The closing ritual that I experienced was when everyone in the group shared once thing that they learned from the group.  I have not experienced any other closing rituals.

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