Professional Hopes and Goals

One hope

My hope is that all children and families will feel important and valued.  That we can all learn from each other and embrace everyone differences.

One goal

Equality in education for all children is my goal.  Children should be able to receive an equal education no matter where they live.

Thank you

I have to say I have really enjoyed this class.  We have all shared personal stories.  Thank you to all of you for sharing your personal stories.  Thank you for taking the time to read my discussion answers and my blog.  I have valued all of your inputs.  Thank you and good luck on future endeavors.

Welcoming families from around the World

The name of my family’s country of origin is Kenya.

The five ways I will prepare myself to be culturally responsive to the family will be by doing the following.

  1. Play music from Kenya.  Below is an example of some of the music.

  1. Place picture of cheetahs, zebras, giraffes, and elephants in the science center.
  2. The art project for the day will be to create African mask.
  3. Place pictures of homes in Kenya in the block center.
  4. Add cheetahs, zebras, giraffes, and elephants to the block center.

By adding parts of Kenya to the classroom, I am hoping to make the family feel welcome.  I am also hoping it will make the transition to our school easier for the child.  It will benefit me if the child feels comfortable about attending a different school.

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

What memory do you have of an incident when you experienced bias, prejudice, and/or oppression, or witnessed someone else as the target of bias, prejudice, and/or oppression?

     I have an incident of prejudice that happened this week.  My boyfriend’s son: who is African-American, went back into Lowes to get his father’s notebook.  The Lowes employee questioned why he had the notebook and made him open it to make sure that there was nothing inside the notebook.  Now let me state that he was in the store with his father and my father: who are both white, so the employee saw him with them.

In what way(s) did the specific bias, prejudice, and/or oppression in that incident diminish equity?

      I diminished equity in the fact that he was not treated equally.  As he stated, “if I had been white they would not have questioned what I was doing”

What feelings did this incident bring up for you?

I feel anger because of him being treated this way.  He is a young African-American boy who was adopted by a white family.  He should not be experiencing prejudice.  He should have been able to walk into Lowes and get his father’s notebook without any questions asked.

What and/or who would have to change in order to turn this incident into an opportunity for greater equity?

     I would change the way the Lowes employee treated my boyfriend’s son.  If I had been there, I would have confronted the store manager about the way he was treated.  I would also send my nephew: who is white, in there to get the same notebook to see if he had any problems retrieving it.


Practicing Awareness of Microaggression

This week I have been driving my daughter’s car.  Her car was a gift from her grandfather.  He gave it to her when he was no longer able to drive.  The license plate is an out of state handicap license plate.  When I was parking, someone told me to use the handicap parking   and save the other close parking spots for the regular drivers.  I was so angry.  How dare he be so judgmental and treat me with disrespect.  I had to take a deep breath and I calmly told him that I was not handicap.  That if I parked in one of the spots, I would be taking a space for someone who really needed it.

My perception at this point is that there is always going to be discrimination, prejudice, and stereotypes on people.  I do believe that if we start by making an impact in our classrooms, with our teachers and our own families it will trickle down and rub off on others.

Diversity and Culture

The first person I asked was Grace.  Grace lives in Mesa, Arizona.  Grace is a married African-American mother of two children.  Her definition of culture was “the way of doing things.  Our customs, beliefs”.  Graces definition of diversity “id how we are different.  What sets us apart, unique, and different”

The second person I asked is Amanda.  Amanda livens in Gilbert, Arizona.  Amanda is a stay at home mother  with one child.  Her definition of culture is “embracing and exploring diversity among everyone, race religion, beliefs.  I think culture is who we are; traditions”.  Her definition of diversity is “difference between people regardless, differences we all have .  Share and teach others how much we can learn from somebody”.

The third person I asked was Tagreed.  Tagreed is from Jordan but lives in Higley Arizona .  Tagreed was married at sixteen.  Her marriage was arranged.  When I asked the definition of culture, her response was “old habit from long time ago.  When I asked her the definition of diversity her response was “the holidays what we do.  Our wedding culture, how we dress.  Our daughters live at home until they are married”.

Some of the aspects that were included in the answers were religion, dress, and traditions.  Some other examples were the way we do things.  Grace answered me in textbook style.  Amanda’s answers were more of her thought process being spoken aloud.  When Tagreed answered the questions I sensed she was a little confused on the definitions.

I really don’t believe that anyone of these ladies omitted and aspects of the definitions of culture and diversity,

No one can influence my own opinion and definition of diversity and culture.  Their viewpoints have not changed my view on diversity and culture.  It has made me appreciate and respect their views.


My Family Culture

Three valuable items

                       The first item would be my grandmother’s engagement ring.

                      The second item would be the teapot from my other grandmother.

        The third item would be my mother’s high school ring.

What they mean to me.

     My grandmother’s engagement ring was given to me by my grandmother because I am her oldest granddaughter.  She gave it to me on her 95th birthday.  My grandfather gave this ring to my grandmother when they got engaged.  This is my mom’s parents.

The teapot is part of a teas set that my father’s parents picked out when they were living in Italy during the reconstruction after WWII.  While my grandparents were deciding on the tea set my father who was three at the time wondered off with some Italian boys.  My dad says he was so annoying that the boys brought him back to my grandparents.  My grandfather died when my father was twelve.  My grandmother kept the tea set and gave it to me on my 25th birthday.  She has since passed away.

My mother gave me her high school class ring when I graduated from high school.

My feelings

      If I was told that I could only keep one personal item I would be upset and heart broken.  These three items represent my families past.  Having to decide would be difficult because I feel like they are making me choose between my family and I couldn’t do that.


     Family is the key to who we are.  These three items represent who my family is and was.  I never really thought about the diversity or cultural differences.  To others these items are just stuff.  But to me these represent my family members.

When I think of research…..

When I started this course I was terrified.  Just the word “research” scared me.  I took my fear and opened my mind to all the new information I was going to learn.  The one insight that I have gained from taking this course was learning new information. Qualitative design and quantitative design are concepts that I was unfamiliar with and now I have a better understanding.


The nature of doing research has changed dramatically.  Doing the outline has opened my eyes to how research should actually take place and how it should be presented to the reader.


The lessons that I learned about planning was that it is important that you have consent before conducting the research.  I learned with designing that it is important to have a well-planned research so that designing the research will be easier.  I learned that if the plan and the design are executed well that conducting the research will fall into place.


The challenges that I encountered, were the extraneous variables that are involved in a research study.


I believe that early childhood professionals need to be taken more seriously.  Our profession is a challenging profession that politicians, parents take for granted


What are some of the current international research topics? Some of the current issues are improving standards, correcting defiant behavior, and working with children with autism.

What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website? I was surprised at how much the media supports the teachers and the education of young children.  The website has a section just for media releases.  The media releases information about early childhood education about twice a month.

What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?  The site offers lots of information from code of ethics to contacting them





Research that Benefits Children and Families-Uplifting Stories

Every morning my daughter gets up and takes her medication for her ADD.  The medication helps her tremendously.  She can see the difference herself in the way she pays attention in school when she is not on the medication.  She knows that in order to understand and stay focused she needs to take the medication.  There is a huge difference in her grades when she is on her medication.  Rachel is an A & B student.  Without the medication she is a C & D student.

ADD medication is so controversy.  There are parents and educators who believe in the medication.  Yet at the same time there are parents and educators who do not believe in medicating.  If I could conduct a study, my study would be to work with students who have been diagnosed with ADD.  My research study would work with children that had been diagnosed with ADD before they started taking medication.  All children in the study would be taught methods to help them learn to stay focused in class.   The positive contribution would be that children would be successful in learning without taking medication.   Children will feel empowered to complete assignments without losing focus.  Parents will feel better because their children were not on medication.

Journey in Research

My chose topic for the simulation is empathy in children.  I chose empathy based on what I have observed at my center.  Children don’t seem to have empathy so I want to learn more so I can educate the teachers.


Finding the articles on empathy was difficult.  I am concerned as we move forward in the class that I might have difficulty finding resources on the subject.


Research Chart

When I started the research chart I decided I was going to challenge myself and utilize the chart to learn new information.  The challenging part for me was summarizing the section in the book titled formulate a research issue or question.  For me formulating a question that I can expand on is going to be my challenge.  If any of you have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate them.



Cotton, K. (n.d.). Developing Empathy in Children and Youth. Retrieved from

Gillespie, L., & Hunter, A. (2008). Emotional Flooding—Using Empathy to Help Babies . Retrieved from

Quann, V., & Wien, C. (2006, July). The Visible Empathy of Infants and Toddlers. Retrieved from


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