Personal Childhood Web

Personal Childhood Web

My mom taught me how to the mother I am today, I am nurturing my children the way she nurtured me.  I am teaching them how to survive on their own. My mother also taught me that is doesn’t matter how old you are always fulfill your dream.

My Dad is whom I get my strong work ethics from.  My professional drive is from my father.  He would take me to work with him on a Saturday.  When I got older he paid me to do office work at his consulting firm.

My Grandmother showed me how to be a strong independent woman.  She became a single parent when my Dad was twelve.  She never gave up and always leaned on her faith to give her strength.

Mrs. Bowman was my sixth grade teacher.  I was in her class that I really started to enjoy education.  She taught me so much with regards to education.  She taught me how to write a picture book.  My reading level increased three grades while I was in her class.  She also taught me to face my fears.  I landed the lead in one our class plays and that was a huge success for me because I was shy.

My Aunt Donna came into my life when she married my uncle.  My Aunt was not aggressive in trying to create a relationship with me.  She just let it happen naturally.  My aunt has always been there for me.  She would offer me a job, her home and her love is unconditional.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Kermethia
    Jul 15, 2012 @ 17:51:33

    Great advice from your mom. I know that my mom did not receive her B.S. until her children were grown with children of their own. We were so very proud of her. I , myself, in my “mature” state continue to go to school and attend various workshops and seminars.


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